Non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure pulse waves and brain slideness
MB „Techlinija“ and KTU implement the project “Non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure pulse waves and brain slideness, co -funded by the European Union, submitted 2022-2030 in accordance with the Progress of the Economic Transformation and Competitiveness Program of the Ministry of Economics and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, No. 05-001-01-05-07 “Create a Consistent Innovation Promotion System”.

The aim of the project is to create an innovative product (non -invasive intracranial pressure pulse wave and brain slide monitor in the course of R&D activities).
During the implementation of the project, it is planned to create non -invasive intracranial pressure pulse waves and brain slide sensors and slide changes in real -time monitor to monitor the shape of human intracranial pressure pulse waves and diagnose brain slide with the required clinical practice.
The developed product would solve an important need for clinical medicine by non-invasively, and accurately diagnose and monitor brain slide changes after brain injury or stroke, with glaucoma, surgery, sports injuries or other brain pathology.
Project value – 269 426.60 Eur
EU funding – 199 979.23 Eur
Project duration – 2023.04-2025.03
The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund
Director of MB Techlinija, Rosita Makauskienė, Email: